Financial Independence

Give a person a fish, and you feed them for a day. Teach a person to fish, and you feed them for a lifetime.”

The same is true for financial advice.

MyWealth Records is a free resource for anyone that wants to take control of their wealth, learn the basics of personal finance, and have the peace of mind that comes with being in control and knowing everything is organized in one easy to access place.

Whether you work with a financial advisor, or do-it-yourself, if you want to learn how to manage your wealth for a lifetime of financial independence, you need MyWealth Records.

Three problems you don’t know you have

1: Lack of Portability Around Financial Advice…

Why is it that you can pay for legal or accounting advice, and if you decide to change firms all the advice you were given is documented and easily shared with your new firm?

But if you pay a financial advisor through commissions or embedded fees for a retirement plan, investment advice, or insurance analysis and then change firms, you will most likely have to start planning all over again.

2: Sharing of Personal Financial Information…

Have you ever sent personal financial information to someone using email? Most people have, but email is a security risk. The contents and attachments are stored on un-encrypted mail servers, internet mail relays, and end devices.

Yet every day financial advisors use email to collect your data, open accounts on your behalf and make recommendations.

3: Documenting Your Estate for Loved Ones…

If you were not here, would your spouse/partner and children know where everything is? Would they be able to manage your wealth, access accounts and contact all your advisors?

Would they find that everything was organized in one easy to access place, or would it take months to find the information they need to settle your affairs.

Digital Document Vault

MyWealth Records includes SideDrawer, a virtual filing cabinet with Tiles that act as cabinet drawers and Records that act as file folders. All Tiles and Records are predefined to support the MyWealth Records process for both personal and corporate planning. All contents are encrypted and belong to you, and you can control who sees your files.

My Wealth Records – Personal Planning Tiles

When you receive your invitation to create a SideDrawer account, you’ll automatically be sponsored with a Premium License for personal planning, courtesy of MyWealth Records.

My Wealth Records – Corporate Planning Tiles

For incorporated members, once you have created and organized your MyWealth Records SideDrawer for personal planning, you may request a second SideDrawer for corporate planning.

At this time, the SideDrawer application is only available with a referral from an active member of MyWealth Records.

Click here if you have a referral from an active member of MyWealth Records SideDrawer.
Click here to learn more about MyWealth Records and the SideDrawer application.